Sunday, January 2, 2011

Making Winter as cheerful as possible

   Well it's back to work today. School starts back tomorrow and that means today is lesson planning day. It's going surprisingly quickly though. My biggest problem with the day is the nasty rain falling outside. Why couldn't my last day of break be beautiful? Oh well, it keeps me from wishing I was outside.
   Our apartment looks so bare today without its Christmas decorations. I especially miss the glow of the Christmas tree. Winter, in my opinion, is a gloomy and depressing season, so I'm doing what I can to make our apartment cheerful.

   I found these snowflake lights on clearance at Target (I LOVE the after Christmas clearance section). I hung them in the awkward opening between the kitchen and our office area and added some dictionary page snowflakes. This area, though awkward, is a nice area to hang decorations in

   After the gym and planning Social Studies and Science, I hope to add a little more winter cheer to our home...and maybe put up the laundry that's been sitting around for a week :o)


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