As a first year teacher, the learning for me is nonstop. Today I learned how to exam a child's head for lice and what they look like. Pretty delightful....It was a great day though. Every day each innocent little kindergartener makes me smile. Tomorrow is my birthday and I think they're way more excited about it than even me.
Yesterday I decided to try my hand at making another necklace. I'm really pleased with how it turned out. I've found that instead of hanging onto those old necklaces, bracelets, and earrings I thought were so cool in middle school, recycling them seems like a much better idea. For this necklace I cut up all that old jewelry to use the beads and used ribbon from the Dollar Tree (I am one of their most faithful shoppers).
Lately my camera has been super annoying. I can't seem to zoom in or focus. I dunno what the deal is. Due to this technical difficulty I can't include lots of close-up pics, but you get the idea right?
So pretty