Friday, June 10, 2011

Going "camping" in kindergarten and summer!

   I don't think I can truly express the sense of accomplishment I feel finishing my first school year teaching. I feel so satisfied, like I did something, and like I proved what I could do to myself more than anything. My little kindergartners are now first graders. My eyes got a bit misty as I hugged each one goodbye today, but I'm so proud of each of them....and so thankful for this summer break. 
   We had a great big, school-wide celebration today and yesterday we had our classroom celebration.  Our class spent the whole day on a "camping trip."
   We fashioned a couple of tents. These were so great for the kids to sit and read under. 

  We started our school day off with a nature walk and collecting flowers, leaves, grass, weeds, pinecones, rocks, and lots of sticks. Then we did our first project.

Campfires are a necessity on camping trips. 

After lunch and some other regular school day activities, we made bracelets using duct tape and some of the lovely natural elements we collected. 

All the leftover nature stuff was perfect for sorting. 

It's really not camping unless there's s'mores involved. 

   I little camping trip was such a fun way to end the school year. Monday and Tuesday I'll be cleaning my classroom and began preparing for next school year....But for now, 
Hello Summertime!!!


  1. you should feel those things lady! how amazing does it feel?! you truly inspire me, every day. I cannot wait to be an elementary art teacher- I am beyond excited and every time I see a post about your kindergartner's I get more excited.

    I meant to ask you, where in the world do you teach? Adriana is going to school this fall and I think it would be so cool if you got a chance to teach her- the odds are slim, I know but a mommy can only dream of her kids being with a teacher who has her head on straight and is so much fun. <3

    enjoy your summer lady, you deserve it!!

  2. Tia you are so sweet and encouraging :o) I'll send you an email and let ya know :o)

  3. It is great that you are finished!!!!! I am soo happy for you, when I used to be little I wanted to be a teacher :)


  4. Yay! Happy Summer! What a treat of a day you gave your kids to take them on a "camping trip" - so cute! I'm in love with those little campfires they made :)

  5. congrats on a well-earned summer break!

  6. WOW as you guys are finishing up the year and heading off on summer holidays we here in Australia are just at the half way mark of the school year with winter fresh upon us ... so strange!
    Donna :) :)
    BTW - Congratulations on finishing your first year of teaching Anna ... ENJOY your summer!


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