Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Enchantment Tuesday

     This week is off to a much calmer start than last week. Thank the good Lord. The people on the radio this morning said spring is here. Really? It was freaking cold at 6:30 this morning, but I'm trying to keep a positive attitude. It has to come sometime! I'm so tired of numb fingers and toes.
  So now, what I'm lovin'...

   I never would have thought of using all different drawers pulls like this on kitchen cabinets. It adds so much interest and personality.

   I don't know what it is about these earrings that draws me to them so much, but I think they're just lovely.

  Take a gander at this fantastic "birdcage." Absolutely adorable, whimsical, and so creative.

   I wore my new blue earrings to school on Monday and got many compliments. A friend of mine said they look like delicious icing flowers. I agree.

   I just really love this little scene. It's so pretty and relaxed looking.

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